The year 1999 seven month,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois, (the Mongols),
Before after Mars to reign by good luck
(Century X, Quatrain 72)
On January 1 (or shortly thereafter), the electricity grid will go dead. Groceries in America's refrigerators will go bad. Food distribution systems will crash and store shelves will go bare within days. Businesses will fail, either because they aren't Y2K compliant or because they are dependent on noncompliant customers and suppliers. As losses mount and companies go under, the stock market will plummet. Banks will calculate interest for negative 100 years. The government will stop issuing entitlement checks to gray-haired senior citizens when their age suddenly clicks back to -35. Panic will set in. Police dispatch systems will be crippled, and the only law will be the law of the jungle. Desperate citizens will abandon the cities to hunt for resources in rural areas. They'll come looking for the mad prophets - the Y2K survivalists - ready to plunder their food, their heat, and their communications links.
--Wired Magazine
"On January 1, 2000, the world's computers will either shut down or go haywire. So will everything dependent on them....In 1999, depositors all over the world will figure this out and will pull their money out of the banks....The mother of all bank runs...will bankrupt banks all over the world...."
--Some old guy, I forget who.
Jesus is coming back after 2000 years to take the good Christian's into heaven and to cast the nonebelivers into Hell!
--Paster Whats His Face every Sunday
If you divide 2000 by 3, using integer arithmetic, the answer is 666, the number of the Antichrist mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation. This might indicate that some enormous events predicted in that book might come to pass.
According to the Weekly World News for 1999-DEC-14, long lost "Bethlehem Prophecies" predict that one half of the earth's surface will vanish under water in the blink of an eye. The cause may be a meteor or comet hitting one of the world's oceans. This would produce earthquakes, tidal waves, and a rapid rise in sea level.
--Weekly World Newst
Aliens. It's definitely going to be aliens.
--Big Biff Bebop
In July 2000, the moon Phobos will have been displaced from its orbit around Mars by a passing comet and will strike Earth.
--Melody Mehta
A cosmic storm will hit the earth at this time. Winds of 1,000 miles per hour and tremendous swings in temperature will kill millions.
--Edgar Cayce